About Us/Referring Mds

Our Practice

When you arrive at the office, typically the first contact is with Larissa or Diana. They will organize your cosmetic consultation appointments and follow-ups. At the time of the consultation, they will assist with the consultation and take care of scheduling any surgical procedures.


We offer nursing support at our office as well as at the private surgical facility, Victoria Surgery. Inga and Kelsey, our nurses, will provide preoperative and postoperative information, answer questions, remove sutures, perform dressing changes and assist Dr. Taylor during preoperative and postoperative examinations.

For more extensive procedures such as abdominoplasty, brachioplasty (arm lift) and belt lipectomy (lower body lift), Inga or Kelsey along with the other postoperative care nurses at Victoria Surgery, will provide care in the recovery room and any necessary at home postoperative visits.


The Oak Bay office is primarily used for initial cosmetic and reconstructive consultations and minor procedures such as cosmetic facial mole excision and scar revision.

osmetic Surgery | Plastic Surgery | Victoria BC | SaanichOak Bay Office

Procedures requiring general anesthetic such as liposuction, breast augmentation, and abdominoplasty take place at Victoria Surgery, a private plastic surgical center established in 1966.

Cosmetic Surgery | Plastic Surgery | Victoria BC | SaanichVictoria Sugery

Patients with more complex medical needs may have their surgery at the Royal Jubilee Hospital.

Cosmetic Surgery | Plastic Surgery | Victoria BC | SaanichRoyal Jubilee Hospital

Referring MDs

For urgent on call type problems referring physicians should contact the on call plastic surgeon by phone and may then utilize the following form. The RACE line can also be used for physicians in BC

For Skin lesions, skin cancers the following may be used:

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